Tuesday, 7 June 2011

the last one

I think that is always good learned in a different way, for example this blog.
I have to say that sometimes the topics were just boring and uninteresting; in such cases I didn’t have any desire to write; but in the most of the cases the topics of the blogs were entertained and emotionally interesting.
I don’t know how good the blogs experience is, maybe is more important for express or opinions and ideas, to know how your classmates thinks and know them better but I’m not sure that the blogs make our English grammatically better, I agree whit the idea that the practice make us better, but in that case I prefer write a letter whit a lot of my ideas and show it to my classmates or something like that.
The blog about the book was the best one; I remembered the book in an alive way, was like reading the book and living the emotions again. Another blog that I love to wrote about was the travel places, I wrote about travel for Chile and I love to imagine me in all that beautiful places.
The blog that I really really hate was the one about technology, I didn’t know what write, I just did the blog for the points and it wasn’t honest.
This semester has been extremely short, I must to say that in general the English class has been a good time, a very interesting experience, thank for that teacher and for all your help to us; the class gives us the opportunity to know our classmates better and share opinions and ideas.

Maybe the last blog had to be about what we want for the world, a message for humanity, a recommendation to be better persons, a free topic or something like that.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The picture of Dorian Gray

My favorite book is called “the picture of Dorian Gray”, translated to Spanish as “el retrato de Dorian Gray”, its author is the polemic Irish Oscar Wilde.
The story is about a young and rich men, Dorian, who is admired for his inhuman beauty. One day his friend Basil Hallward, obsessing with his beauty, painted him in a portrait. Dorian met Lord Henry by Basil, and this new friend present to him a new world, based in give placer to the senses and live the life, Dorian start to make this world his own, and think that the old age can destroy his life, something happens in those moments, the portrait consume Dorian’s soul, the years pass and Dorian never get old, but the image of Dorian in the portrait, start to get older and older, Dorian is consumed by the vicious and placers of the dark side of the life, he live in perversion and hedonism, leaving his humanity back.
I’m not going to talk about the end; the idea is that you have to read the book to know how this dark story ends.
This book is the representation of humans fears, about how we are afraid to get older, how we are afraid to lose the beauty and vitality, the book presents a very crude reality, this reality full of vicious and placers which can consume your life, but they attract you, you want to do those thing, but you know that's is bad, however you consider. The book presents an idea about how humans think and act, about how we need to show to the world that we are very great persons and make them believe that we have no problems, we are scared to reflect in life what we are passing.
The book inspired a couple of movies, theatrical representations and some songs (as “el tiempo es dinero”, soda stereo) but none of them can reflect the real essence of the book.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


First i think that the topics of the blogs are everytime more boring, in my opinion the topic has to be open to give ours opinions about something relevant or just leave the topics free, in those way everyone can write about something that consider important .
I dont have any important pictures, then i dont know about what write, im just are going to look for an image that i like.

I just see this picture today, i think is a very beautiful and strong image, full of human emotions, this picture express a lot of things, as the union of the bodies and the soul between persons, also the proteccion between them, however somebody can interpret this image as represion or violence of the man to the woman.
This image express the beauty of the human body, show us the posibility of use the body as an artistic material in a beatiful way, teach to people to feel proud of their bodies and show it like a great creation of the world.
the angle of the picture and the color on it, give to the image the force necesary to express human emotion in an alive way, is like who is looking the picture can feel the emotions on it. The positions of the bodies is so beautiful, they are fused in an embrace, a lovely and violent embrace, that express a stormy love.
I dont know where this picture come from or who take it but i just can give congratulations to the photographer and the models for the beautiful and well done work , they make the perfect union between the human body and the art movement.

Monday, 16 May 2011

i dont know

The best day of mi life was when I had my first sexual experience…. No is just a joke xD
One special day, i can’t remember one day in special, i don’t know why but i just think in special moments on different days, maybe I can talk about those special moments.
The first moment that I remember was when I was four years old, I went with my parent to the Ñielol hill, I remember we made a picnic, we walked for the forests, we saw the flowers and listened the birds singing, those was a very happy moment, is so easy when you are a child, don’t have any worried or trouble, just living the moments and smiling to the life, maybe that is why this is one of the most special moments in my life, because reflects all the happiness in my childhood.
Thinking well the most special day in my life were two, when mi little sister born and when mi little brother born, when I think on those days today I can say that , but in the moment I remember i felt a lot of emotions, when my sister born I was six years old, and in some moments I thought she comes to steal my place in the family, I felt so jealous, and angry, then when my brother born I was ten years old, the emotions were completely different, just happiness and anxiety, when I saw my little brothers in my mom arms was the most special moments in all my life, was like the time stopped and nothing more matter. They complete my life, I a
lways been like a second father, they forced me to grow up, but they are what I love more in the entire universe.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


The ugly true is that im not a good friend of technology,  i use device that I really need, as my celphone and my notebook, i dont have any other  technological device.
In this moment my cellphone is the most importan techological device in my live, because i use this to comunicate wiht my family in temuco, and to organizated any work whit my classmate.
The true is that i dont remember when i get my celphone, i had so many in my life, i always lose it, and get a new one.
Celphone isnt real important in my live, i can live perfectly without it, but is true that sometimes celphone make the live more easy.
Other technologycal device that i use a lot is my pc, is the biggest distractor in my student life, but i used the notebook for other things too, im study, no that is a lie, but sometimes i make investigation about things that ineteresting me and i read on it, i see movies and series.
I got my notebbok when i went  out of the secondary, i think this is the only technological device that is really useful and has some important in life.
I HATE any other kind of technology.

Ver imagen en tamaño completo

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Everywhere in my own countr

I love nature and culture, those enigmatic places make me happy, them transported me to a parallel world.
I always said that before you meet anywhere outside your country, you must to know the beauty of where you live.

That is why before to know anywhere I want to visit the high summits of the Andes mountains, the exotic beauty of Pascua Island, the legendary constructions of San Pedro, the ice in the south of my country, the mysterious stories in Chiloe island, the magical culture of mapuche people, the beautiful lakes of south and the sun of the Atacama Desert.

I don’t know why people have to look outside to see the beauty of the world, if we get the beauty, the richness culture, the eccentrics places, we just have to see our round and discover that our own land has all the necessary things to make us travelling for all our lives.  

About the money, I think that the money isn’t essential; I’m not worried about that. When I think about the people who will would to travel with me, them have to be people there i love, familiars, friends, and they have to appreciate the beauty of Chile just like I do.

I will never live in any of these places, I think that when you stay in one places for too much time, that place lose its magic.


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

When I am sad

The most of the time I am never been  sad, but when i feel down, i try to leave the sadness back,  make happy things, laugh with my friends, going out, to the square, to a party or somewhere where  the people have fun, that is why  when I am sad, i hear happy music, music that make you feel going to heaven, and make you smile, think about the beautiful of the life, music make me connect with the inception of the world.
But sometimes the sadness is more than just sadness, and it transform in a melancholy that can make the life so hard, and in that moments, you cant hear happy music, and your brain forced you to hear sad music, and the music make you to question everything, make you think about the meaning of the life, but that moments are just bad times, and always pass quickly.
The music that i hear when im sad, is so varied, i really like the classic and new chilean and latin american folk, but sometimes i hear soft rock, and even electronic or pop music.
Finished this post Imust to confess that I have a guilty pleasure, i really love to hear shakira¨s music when im sad, i dont know why, but is something in her voice that make me feel great.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Claudia Zuñiga

She is a very importan teacher of university of chile, she teach social research methodology and a lot of others things.
She start her studies on psychologist at the frontera university, in Temuco city, she make a magister in Concepcion university, and then she make a PhD in Madrid.
She was the director of psychologist career in university of Chile, and now she is the manager in PhD about social psychologist.
She is a very sweet and nice person, her class is very interesting and practice, she make the space for students questions and opinions, she is very organized and exigent, but always make jokes about the class, and we laugh all together.
In my personal opinions she is one of the best teachers in the career, however the opinions about her, are so opposite in the different groups, some people say that she never give a chance, don’t listened any reason, and finally always reprove the subject.
Something there I love about her, is her work about the identity of the people all over the country and how much them are affected by the troubles in the capital.
I expect some day have her studies level.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I am Scared D:

I am a person as many others, with  a lot of dreams and ilusions.
My name is ismael, I am a student of  psychology at University of Chile. I am from Temuco.
I have eighteen years old, but sometimes i feel as my soul have fifty years old, any way the most of the time I am a very happy and smiling person.
I will love to meet you on the next class.