Tuesday, 10 December 2013


For me two thousand and thirteen was a complicated year, it was not a bad year but it was a year with a lot of thinking about the future.
The moment of finish my career is close and I must to think seriously about the future, and I don’t know exactly what i want to do in my future professionally. I have to decide soon what I am going to do as a psychologist, I know that I’m going to work in something related to the community or educational labor of a psychologist but I feel that there is a lot of things about the profession that I don’t know and I am afraid of take the wrong direction in my professional live.
In the past year I have thought a lot in my militancy and political activities and how much I give to this labor, sometimes in this year I thought that I give too much to the political labor and I leave behind a lot of other things in the professional and familiar areas and maybe that was a mistake. In the future I want to balance all the things that I do and will not only dedicate myself to one of them.

Two thousand and thirteen was a year for know myself in a better way, a year to think about what I have done in my life at my twenty years and what I want for my future, a year to know better about my own feelings and emotions, a year to know how I deal with different situations and how I can be better in the different aspects of my life. I am really happy to say that. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


I must to say that i really enjoy eat; I love the moment of preparing food. I really like to cook, it is a relaxing moment for me, when I am stressed or sad I put good music and i start to cook something delicious.
I was a vegetarian two years when I started college; the vegetarian life permitted me to know some food and ways to make food that I didn't know before. I left the vegetarian way of life because I felt that I didn't anything for the animal causes and didn't feel comfortable with that. Now I eat meat just in special occasion and just a little.
I like a lot the Chilean food, for me the Chilean food is related to family, to be in home and prepare food to eat together with my parents and brothers, and I enjoy a lot that moment. I always cook with my mom, it is a special mother and son moment for us, she teach me how to cook and now I feel that I am a really great cook.
When I was eighteen years old my great grandmother died. When I was a child I lived with her for three years, one of the memories that I have of that period is the delicious food she prepared, and specially a pea soup with the most special taste in earth, I never have eaten something similar in my life.

As you see food and cooking can be a special part of our lives.