For me two thousand and thirteen was a
complicated year, it was not a bad year but it was a year with a lot of thinking
about the future.
The moment of finish my career is close and I must
to think seriously about the future, and I don’t know exactly what i want to do
in my future professionally. I have to decide soon what I am going to do as a psychologist,
I know that I’m going to work in something related to the community or
educational labor of a psychologist but I feel that there is a lot of things
about the profession that I don’t know and I am afraid of take the wrong
direction in my professional live.
In the past year I have thought a lot in my
militancy and political activities and how much I give to this labor, sometimes
in this year I thought that I give too much to the political labor and I leave
behind a lot of other things in the professional and familiar areas and maybe
that was a mistake. In the future I want to balance all the things that I
do and will not only dedicate myself to one of them.