Tuesday, 1 October 2013

My ideal job.

When I think about what I would like to do when I finish university, I always think about social labor. That is the kind of job that I would love to do, something that would give me the chance to know what are the problem with peoples´ lives every day, and how we could work together, in community, to a solution.  
Considering what I wrote before, I think that communitarian psychology or educational psychology, are areas of the discipline that I would be good to develop in future. I have always considered that I have social skills and emotional skills will allow me to work in that kind of areas.
Actually it is not easy to find the kind of job I mention before, because the system that produces the public politics today, do not permit to explore the problems of people, and let alone, allow the people to find their own solutions.  
However I have the hope that the work that I and others will make in future can change the reality that we live today.


  1. I think that your ideal job is very cool.
    (the picture is inspirational!!! as you haha!)

  2. i hope you find a way to develop as a social psychologist. good luck

  3. I hope you find your ideal job. Great interest!
